Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In the Kitchen: A Coupla Summer Salads

Caprese Salad
Salad Shirazi

My high expectations for my blogging this week have been somewhat dampened by the fact that I ate bad eggs earlier this week, and now have some form of food poisoning. I won’t go into too many details (this is a food blog after all), but it has been a frustrating experience for me. Although so far my symptoms have been pretty mild, they have lasted for a few days and I just haven’t been my usual hungry self. In fact, the idea of using adjectives to describe food at this moment in time is not the most appealing one.

With that in mind, I want to keep this post short. I was able to make a few very simple salads before this unfortunate egg incident that were quick to make and yummy to eat. The first was a Caprese salad: mozzarrella, heirloom tomatoes, and basil, with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. The second was Salad Shirazi, a Persian favorite which consists of tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions, with lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. These two salads are super fresh, super tasty, and perfect for summer. 

 And that is all I have the stomach for right now. Stay tuned for more posts soon (I may just have found a place that can rival Cheeseboard). For now, however, it's time to watch as many Parks and Recreation episodes as is humanely possible for the rest of the day. 

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